A somewhat scattered collection of notes, thoughts and ideas

Thursday 12 January 2017

Goals and Resolutions for 2017

Happy New Year everyone & a big welcome into the year 2017 to all of us. Like a lot of you, I've made some resolutions for the new year, but this year, they're unlike previous resolutions I've made. I decided not to go for the popular "I want to lose weight" etc ones, mainly because I've been on my own fitness and weight loss journey since October and it's going well so I didn't feel the need to make that resolution.

Instead, my two main resolutions are:

1. To set myself achievable goals and reach them
2. To get to 2018 with no regrets

This second resolution was actually inspired by something someone I went on a date with told me, so I thought I'd make it one of my cornerstone resolutions.

Another resolution of mine is to post on here more regularly (I'm aiming for about once a week).

So have you made any resolutions for 2017?

If you fancy sharing them or simply just showing some love, drop me a comment below.


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